⚡ #101: How to set newsletter goals you'll actually hit.

This email may contain affiliate links. I receive a small commission for recommending products I use & love at no extra cost to you.

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30 days to a bigger email list

This issue is in partnership with ConvertKit.

Creating a landing page is the first step.

And we want to help make it as simple, beautiful, and fast as possible for you. With our Grow Your Audience Challenge, you’ll get all the tools and resources you need to create a high-converting landing page in no time.

Imagine what you could do with a bigger email list. We’re talking about more leads, more subscribers, and more customers. It’s time to take your business up a notch – and that starts with building your audience today.

Sign up now for the ConvertKit Grow Your Audience Challenge! You won’t regret it »

This is GC⚡ #101 — your Swiss Army Knife for newsletter success

A special welcome to the 80 newest readers of the Growth Currency newsletter!

Thank you for giving me space in your inbox. 🙏

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[GC News & Announcements]
What You Need To Know

Josh Spector is launching Inbox To Invoice coaching program
One of the greats in the newsletter game has put together a coaching program for anyone who wants to turn newsletter subscribers into paying clients. It's application based, so if this interests you—get your application in soon!

New year, new strategy?
Sara was feeling stuck with her newsletter. So she booked a 1-hour newsletter strategy session with me. Here's how our session helped her:

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Sara Loretta 🔥🤘🏼
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December 28th 2022

(Or book a 30-min strategy call »)

[GC Editorial]
How to set newsletter (or any) goals you'll actually hit.

Goal overwhelm is real — so make it simple.

Whether it’s the start of a new year (like… right now) or a new project, most of us have set lofty, ambitious—even audacious—goals.

Guilty? Me too.

But how often do we actually hit those goals? If you’re anything like me, the answer is a resounding “never.” Why not? Well, I’m usually drunk on optimism & ignorance — clueless to the amount of work (and resilience) required.

For Growth Currency⚡, I knew things had to be different if I wanted success. So when I started my newsletter 2 years ago, I set one long-term goal & one “ongoing” goal:

  1. Long-term goal = publish 100 newsletter editions before I quit.
  2. “Ongoing” goal = publish every week, no matter what.

These were goals that strictly required my action to achieve them.

If I do the work, I win.

Last week, I published my 100th weekly edition, accomplishing both goals I set 2 years ago (🙌). I’ve been reflecting on why they worked.

I think I know why.

And if you suck at setting goals, this might help you too...

Read the rest »

[GC Curated: Start + Grow + Improve + Monetize your newsletter]
Your Growth Currency ⚡ This Week

"Knowledge is the currency of growth."


Polar Habits by Merott Movahedi & Jesse Andersen

My Take: Success at a new creative venture (like starting a newsletter) requires strong habits—and steady momentum—to get you there. My friends Merott & Jesse have launched Polar Habits to help you build habits with a habit tracking system that works with momentum rather than streaks. It's the new year, so there's no better time to foster a new habit stack and build momentum.


How I Gained 2,124 (Active) Email List Subscribers in a Year by Maliha

My Take: Maliha shares 9 tips that helped her grow. I love this article because she's taken the time create quality, actionable content—NOT fluff. She goes deep on...

  • Creating 'freebies' (ie. lead magnets)
  • Creating an onboarding "welcome" series (including a great example of one of hers)
  • Driving traffic to your sign-up page (using SEO and.... something I hadn't considered)
  • and more...


Why You Shouldn’t Resend to Subscribers Who Didn’t Open by Tyler Denk

My Take: I like this contrarian take. I have—as advised by other pros—always "resent to unopens" since I was able with ConvertKit. I've recommended others do it. But Tyler makes a strong case why you shouldn't. What do you think?


How 1 tweet led to $1500 in revenue (and counting) for work I was already doing by Matt Ragland

My Take: Matt lays out how he lands newsletter sponsors—and uses an automated system to book them in. It doesn't have to be complicated.

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Matt Ragland
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September 24th 2022

(Newsletter #Affiliate Of The Week)

The Growth Newsletter by Demand Curve

Get weekly tactical growth advice that gets results.

The Growth Newsletter delivers 3-4 actionable growth tactics each week, helping startup founders and marketers deliver results. Each edition also includes links to new content, marketing news, and exclusive deals.

Subscribe today »

Thanks for making it to the end—I try and save some personal ramblings for this space.

I hope your New Year's Eve was a memorable one.

I spent the evening with my wife and kids, enjoying some snacks, drinks, and watching Glass Onion (sans kids).

It was pretty perfect. I hope yours was too.

How would you rate this edition?
⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡ Electrifying!
⚡⚡⚡ A decent jolt.
Just static...

Hit reply and let me know why — I answer every one :) Or DM me on Twitter!

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⚡️ by SparkLoop

And in case you missed it, here are last week's TWO most popular links:

#1: I’ve grown my newsletter to 36,121 readers in 6 months. My step-by-step process by Nathan Baugh
How my newsletter went from aimless hobby to media business by Growth Currency⚡

Other resources to help you:

The 1KS Roadmap: A Free Course To Your First 1,000 Subscribers
The Ultimate Creator Database of Awesomeness
Advertise in this newsletter

Peace and platonic love,


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Join 4k+ subscribers learning how to START + GROW + MONETIZE their newsletters with weekly insights, tips, and resources.

Read more from GROWTH CURRENCY⚡

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[Read the browser version right here] Hey Reader, Welcome to the 119th edition of Growth Currency⚡— the now-fortnightly newsletter that helps you start + grow + improve + monetize your newsletter. Yep—it's meta: a newsletter about newsletters. Check out older editions here. In this edition: » 3 things you need to consider before paying for subscriber growth 💸» A virtuous cycle of newsletter growth 🔁» 10 powerful newsletter tools ⚒️» Selling out 2 months of newsletter ads in 23 hrs ⏱️ …and...