A newsletter (and life) update

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Dylan from Growth Currency here. Remember me?

If not, I don't blame you — it's been a while.

Last you (may have) heard from me, I was busy managing & publishing content at SparkLoop...

Well, here's a quick life/career update:

I'm not working at SparkLoop anymore.

Here's my Twitter / LinkedIn post with the news.

So... what happened?

Why I Left SparkLoop

"SparkLoop seemed like a dream job—why'd you leave??"

Many have asked an iteration of the question above. Let me explain.

First things first: I love SparkLoop's mission to help newsletter operators grow + monetize their newsletters. It's 100% aligned with my mission at Growth Currency. And I truly believe SparkLoop offers the BEST tools to do it.

I also love the team.

Despite being 100% remote and spread across the globe, SparkLoop cofounders Manny and Louis have assembled a rockstar team to build their business.

And... I loved my role at SparkLoop!

I fulfilled a dream of hosting & managing a podcast—and a podcast about newsletters, nonetheless! I also published their newsletter & managed the written content.

So why tf did I leave?

The content marketing role was a solo role, and it was lonely. I found it really hard not having anyone to collaborate with on a consistent basis.

I excel when working with a team or partner. I feed off their energy, enthusiasm, and ideas. It fuels my own energy, enthusiasm, and ideas.

To compound this challenge, I'm a remote worker on the west coast of Canada which makes me a timezone casualty for Europe and beyond.

I didn't have much overlap in working hours with most of our global team. This isn't anyone's fault, just the circumstances.

It was lonely and it affected me...

To the point that I made the decision that leaving was best for both parties.

I'm disappointed it didn't work out, but I'm confident it was the right move.

The best part about this experience is that I learned what works for me when working in a remote environment—and what doesn't.

What's Next?

Short answer: I'm not 100% sure, but excited to explore opportunities!

Slightly longerer answer: I left SparkLoop without another "job" lined up (hence the "leap of faith" from the photo above).

But both my family and my network have been astoundingly supportive 🥰

1) My wife is eternally patient with me 🙏

2) And I've already had some AMAZING conversations with some equally amazing people. Those convos have lit me up. You know who you are.

All this to say: I'm keeping the door open to new content marketing, newsletter, and podcast opportunities.

Hit "reply" if that's you and let's chat!😁

Work With Me

I'm also opening the door for more newsletter consulting clients. I've worked with a few clients over the years and really enjoy helping newsletter operators sort through their newsletter strategies.

If that's something you're looking for, hit reply and let's chat.

I also do one-off sessions 👇

30-min newsletter consult →
60-min newsletter consult →


I'm considering a Newsletter Async Coaching/Consulting service. Instead of booking just a one-off consult (like above), you'd get ongoing support, feedback, audits—all asynchronously—but possibly with a monthly "live" session, all for a recurring monthly fee.

Does that sound useful and like something you'd be interested in?

What about this newsletter moving forward?...

This is the first edition in your inbox (other than a welcome email) since October 2023.

Will there be more? Maybe. Probably. But only when I'm ready to publish something.

There are 2 key reasons I stopped publishing GC⚡...

  1. My day job @ SparkLoop: I lived, ate, and breathed newsletters while at SparkLoop. I had zero capacity to publish this newsletter in my "off" hours—about the exact same topic (that being newsletters).
  2. I published 100+ editions of GC⚡ for 100+ weeks in a row—even when I didn't have anything of quality to share. It was a "consistency above all" mindset. I prided myself on my publishing streak.

But my mindset has since flipped 180°: quality > consistency

So if I have something of quality to publish, you'll get it 😁

It just might not be (ie. probably won't be) next week.

Thanks for reading this life update edition. I would love to hear from you if you have any questions or comments about any of this!

Other resources to help you:

The 1KS Roadmap: A Free Course To Your First 1,000 Subscribers
Advertise in this newsletter

Peace and platonic love,


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